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ELBOX bringt neuen A1200 Tower auf den Markt
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Autor Nachricht

Anmeldedatum: 29.03.2005
Beiträge: 120
Wohnort: Bad Sassendorf / NRW

BeitragVerfasst am: Do, 02.06.2005 19:27    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Da ich ja meinen Mediator SX nicht ans laufen bekomme,bin ich einigermassen grell auf das dragon 1200 Board,und so habe ich einige Fragen an Elbox gerichtet.Recht fix kam dann auch eine Antwort:

> Jörg :
> Hello,
> when is the dragon board available?
> i´m very interested in.

DRAGON 1200 was expected to be on sale in January, but Freescale delayed the
start of the volume production of their newest ColdFire MCF5475.
As for now we have very limited quantity of these new processors.

The last info from Freescale (Motorola) says that the mass production of
MCF5475 processors on which Dragon is based will start at 15 June 2005.
If this becomes true the Dragon sales will start at the end of June.

> can i use my blizzard ppc card together with the dragon 1200 board?

No. Dragon is equipped with its own turbo/CPU card based on ColdFire
MCF5475 processor and you cannot simultaneously use any other processor
except CPU card installed in the Dragon PCI slot like SharkPPC.

> and finally : will be the adaptec 2940 scsi controller supported?

It is a matter of drivers only. If there will be enough request for such
support we will do it.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need further assistance.
A1200 Elbox Tower,PPC603e+@240MHZ+68060@50MHZ,FastATA MK III,DCE Scanmagic,G-Rex 1200,256MB,Voodoo 3 3000,Ultraplex 32.Yamakawa DVD Brenner,Cocolino,Zip 100,20GB Samsung HDD,MAS-Player
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