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Participants C= show april 16th in Maarsen

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Anmeldedatum: 26.10.2004
Beiträge: 45668
Wohnort: Bahrenfeld

BeitragVerfasst am: Di, 05.04.2005 11:49    Titel: Participants C= show april 16th in Maarsen Antworten mit Zitat

Saturday April 16th C= show at the Trefpunt, Kerkweg 21, Maarssen, Holland from 10:00 till 16:00. This time we will have as extra theme an Amiga Party! We're expecting a lot Amiga freaks from all over Europe and we will have a few nice demonstrations.
There will be an exhibition of all kinds of Amiga computers (this because of 20 years Amiga). We will show you an A500, A600, A1000, A1200, A2000, A3000, A4000 and Amiga CDTV.
Mark Jansen will show his newest AmigaOne with the latest Amiga operation System.
Computer City will be present with a lot of Amiga stuff for sale and will demonstrate the latest gadgets. They will show a bèta version of AHT Ariana.
Individual Computers will be present with a lot of new and special hardware, like the Catweasel card and MMC64 card. They will give demonstrations and presentations with a viewer on a wide screen.
Also a few guys from the Dutch Amiga game developer group Team Hoi will be present. These people had developed the Amiga games Venomwing, Hoi, Clockwiser and Cognition,
Also you can discuss, exchange, buy en sell your Amiga stuff with a lot of other present Amigans. For the Amiga 500 game freaks we will have hundreds of games available to show and play. Important to know is that all other Commodore freaks and computers are also welcome! When we organize something special it's always extra and not instead of our normal shows!

This times theme is an 'Amiga Party' (this because the Amiga celebrates its 20th anniversary). But please pay attention: the theme is extra, all other Commodore lovers and computers are still welcome as well!

All things we have planned so far on a row:
A. ComputerCity, the only left official Dutch Commodore and Amiga supplier, will attend the party showing various had- and software. Also they will show a bèta version of AHT Ariana.
B. From Germany: Individual Computers. These people still develop new hardware for the C64 and Amiga. They will show the new MMC64 card, Catweasel, C= One, Retro Replay and many other things. A presentation with beamer will be given in room 3.
C. Audio Evolution will demonstrate how to make music on an Amiga.
D. There will be an exhibition of almost all types of Amigas that have been produced like the A500, A600, A1000, A1200, A2000, A3000, A4000 and CDTV.
E. Marvin Droogsma will come with his Amiga Porsche with a quite interesting interior....
F. Mark Jansen will demonstrate his new AmigaOne
G. Robert Sprokholt will give a presentation (with the beamer) about 20 years Amiga.
H. Jan Kaptein will demonstrate how to convert a Gameboy SP game to Amiga.
I. Computer City will demonstrate a bèta version of AHT Ariana.
J. A few guys from the Dutch Amiga games developer group Team Hoi will be present and give demonstrations
K. Nevertheless this is a normal meeting as well, all other C64, C128, CBM, C16, Plus/4 owners will attend as well.
L. Our beautifull magazine 'Info Bulletin' will contain quite some Amiga information this time.

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