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BITbyBIT gibt AVD Template Project als FREEWARE zum DL!

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Autor Nachricht

Anmeldedatum: 26.10.2004
Beiträge: 45668
Wohnort: Bahrenfeld

BeitragVerfasst am: Do, 07.04.2005 21:21    Titel: BITbyBIT gibt AVD Template Project als FREEWARE zum DL! Antworten mit Zitat


BITbyBIT Software Group LLC is happy to announce the release of
The AVD Template Project as FREEWARE!

The AVD Template is a skeleton application, written in C, which gives you a starting framework for writing AmigaOS4(tm) applications. It provides the basic setup of the following tasks:

* Allocating memory structures
* Opening necessary libraries
* Parsing command line arguments & Tooltypes
* Sets the application up as a Commodity & handles Show/Hide Hotkeys
* Sets up basic Menus
* Creates a simple Window using ReAction GUI
* Handles the main Event Loop (Show/Hide/Iconify/Quit, etc.)
* Properly Close/Release/Free all resources on exit.

The Template also includes the Makefile necessary to build the project using either GCC on
the native machine (AmigaONE) or with any of the AmigaOS4(tm) cross-compilers
(On AmigaOS3.x, Linux, MacOSX, etc).

weitere Infos bitte von der Seite!

... einige genauere Infos findet man noch in diesem Thread von Amiga-World:
"Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman!"
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