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Planetary Science software StarGen und planet released!

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Anmeldedatum: 26.10.2004
Beiträge: 45668
Wohnort: Bahrenfeld

BeitragVerfasst am: Mo, 25.04.2005 07:50    Titel: Planetary Science software StarGen und planet released! Antworten mit Zitat

I've just uploaded a couple new ports I made to Aminet. Check them out:StarGen and Planet and let me know what you think.

StarGen is a program for creating realistic solar systems based upon various scientific papers. It outputs the data as an HTML file. The original program and source can be found here. I've created optimized versions of the program for 68020-68060. On my 50MHz 68060, it can generate ~20 systems per second (less if you turn on atmospheric modelling). Also, the output can be saved as a Celestia data file to model the system in 3D.

Planet generates planetary maps based on recursive spatial subdivision of a tetrahedron containing the globe. Not really scientific but the maps it creates are beautiful and there's a lot of really powerful options: tons of different projections, bumpmapping, color schemes, etc. Great for RPGs and such.
WARNING! This program is VERY CPU intensive. It can take SEVERAL minutes to generate a large map even on an 060. Use the "-X" option to display a progress bar so you can tell the program is working. <br>
The original program can be found here.

These are both CLI programs. I may create a GUI for them in the future. Native OS4 or MorphOS versions should be very easy to make if anyone wants to. If you do, let me know so I can incude them in the archives. StarGen Planet

Viel Spaß beim Testen!
"Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman!"
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