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SDI headers - A set of C macro/defines (Entwicklung)

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Anmeldedatum: 26.10.2004
Beiträge: 45668
Wohnort: Bahrenfeld

BeitragVerfasst am: Fr, 15.07.2005 12:22    Titel: SDI headers - A set of C macro/defines (Entwicklung) Antworten mit Zitat


One may ask, what are these "SDI headers" all about? So let me try to
explain the idea behind those additional headerfiles first:

The so-called "SDI headers" are a set of freely available and freely usable
C-language header files which provide different sets of macros and defines
to make the live of developers much more comfortable when it comes to
dealing with hooks, compiler specific specialities or if one have to keep C
sources compatible over different AmigaOS-like platforms.

In fact, by using the SDI headers a developer might keep his sources simple
and compatible to AmigaOS3, AmigaOS4 and also MorphOS much more easier, than
with having to clutter them with tones of #ifdef statements just because
these platforms use different approaches for the same path.

Now you may ask why? The answer is quite easy. Because if you have followed
recent development pathes of AmigaOS3 and its successors AmigaOS4 and
MorphOS, you might have noticed that many parts of the original AmigaOS
API/SDK have been changed. On one hand the API changed because OS4 and
MorphOS are now PPC based, but also because of the senseless "fight" between
those Amiga-based platforms, it is much harder these days for a developer
willing to support all of these platforms at once.
Here is where the SDI headers can clearly help. They release much of the pain
when it comes to deal with Hooks, compiler differences and platform

"Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman!"
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