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Dream 17 Contest bis zum 04.04.05

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Anmeldedatum: 26.10.2004
Beiträge: 45668
Wohnort: Bahrenfeld

BeitragVerfasst am: So, 20.03.2005 10:17    Titel: Dream 17 Contest bis zum 04.04.05 Antworten mit Zitat


To celebrate the 1st Anniversary of Dream17's launch back on March 20th 2004, we've prepared one Hell of an awesome Competition for you. All you need to do is to knock together a piece of Fan-Content, either Art, Music, or Text (that's FanFiction or Poetry). A winner will be chosen from each category, and each winner will receive a copy of Addiction Pinball for the PC. An overall winner will also be picked - they will receive a signed, framed piece of Concept Art courtesy of Team17 themselves.

Of course, we're expecting a large amount of Worms content to be submitted. In fact we're expecting almost all of it to be Worms Fan-Content, and as this is a Team17 fansite and not a Worms fansite, we have had to take the unfortunate step of disallowing any Worms submittions. There's plenty to work with in the Softography+ (or, if a game you like the sound of isn't currently accessable from our list, check out Team17's own Softography). For those of you with an itchy Worming finger (eh?!) we may very well have a Worms Fan-Content competition later this year. As in we probably will have a Worms Fan-Content competition later this year.

Anyway, all entrants should send their submittions to before Sunday 3rd April. So what are you waiting for? GET CRACKING!

Dream17 setzt sich mit den kommerziellen Releases der Team17-Spiele auseinander und hat auch jede Menge leageler Downloads!
"Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman!"
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